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Baretzky & Partners LLC emphasize a multi-faceted approach to cyber risk management. Risk Assessment and Quantification:

Combining qualitative and quantitative risk assessments provides a specific view of the cyber risk landscape. This includes high-level heatmaps and detailed financial impact analyses to prioritize and justify cybersecurity investments.

Incident Response Planning:

Organizations must develop and regularly test incident response plans. These plans should include detailed steps to handle potential cyber incidents, such as ransomware attacks, and should be practiced through tabletop exercises to ensure readiness​.

Third and Fourth-Party Risk Management:

As reliance on external vendors grows, so does the risk they bring. Effective risk management includes assessing and monitoring the cybersecurity practices of all third and fourth parties involved in the supply chain​.

Continuous Monitoring and Automation:

Implementing real-time monitoring systems to detect and respond to threats promptly. Automation of these processes using AI and machine learning can significantly enhance the effectiveness of cyber defenses​.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:

Staying abreast of evolving cybersecurity regulations and ensuring compliance is crucial. This includes adopting frameworks and standards that meet or exceed regulatory requirements to avoid fines and enhance security posture​.

Risk-First Cloud Strategy:

With the increasing shift to cloud services, organizations must adopt a risk-first approach. This involves securing cloud environments and ensuring data integrity and privacy through robust controls and continuous monitoring​.

Addressing Technical Debt:

Managing and mitigating technical debt, such as outdated systems and unsupported software, is essential. This reduces vulnerabilities and ensures that the organization’s infrastructure is resilient against cyber threats​.

Integrated Risk Management:

Cyber risks do not exist in isolation. An integrated risk management approach that considers the interconnected nature of various risks—cyber, geopolitical, financial, etc.—is necessary for comprehensive security.

Employee Training and Awareness:

Regular and continuous training programs for employees to recognize and respond to cyber threats like phishing and social engineering attacks are vital. This helps in building a culture of security within the organization​.

Establishing Risk Appetite and Governance:

Defining the organization’s risk appetite and setting up a governance framework to manage and monitor cyber risks. This includes clear policies, regular assessments, and reporting mechanisms to ensure alignment with the organization’s risk tolerance​.


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