Baretzky & Partners leaders are available to provide investigation and consultations on the most relevant global business risks, cyber risks and global affairs. Baretzky & Partners also provides research that explores timely business issues and trends to mitigate any risks.
Introduction Social engineering is one of the most effective and dangerous cybersecurity threats today. Unlike conventional hacking, which relies on breaking through technological barriers, social engineering exploits human psychology to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information, granting access, or performing actions that compromise security. As […]
NewsRroomIntroduction Critical infrastructure forms the backbone of any nation’s economy, security, and well-being. It consists of systems and assets essential for the functioning of society, including energy grids, water systems, transportation networks, healthcare facilities, and financial institutions. In an increasingly interconnected and digitized world, the […]
NewsRroomIntroduction Risk management is an essential function for businesses operating in a dynamic regulatory environment. Companies must navigate a complex landscape of compliance obligations while mitigating potential financial, operational, and reputational risks. Regulatory response and compliance frameworks provide structured approaches to ensure adherence to legal […]
NewsRroomThe main objective of risk compliance monitoring is to prevent financial losses, reputational damage, and legal issues by systematically observing and enforcing compliance with regulations. This process involves continuous tracking, assessment, and reporting of various risk factors, including financial, operational, legal, and cyber risks. By […]
NewsRroomHowever, with these benefits come distinct risks that need proactive management to ensure business continuity and data integrity. Effective SaaS risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with relying on third-party cloud-based applications. Key risks include data security and privacy concerns, as SaaS […]
NewsRroomIt encompasses the use of data analysis, statistical modeling, and advanced algorithms to identify, assess, and predict risks across various domains, such as finance, healthcare, supply chain, and cybersecurity. By leveraging risk analytics, companies can anticipate potential vulnerabilities, understand the likelihood of adverse events, and […]
NewsRroomCorruption poses significant risks to both public and private sectors, threatening the integrity of institutions, reducing public trust, and undermining economic growth. Effective anti-corruption strategies have become essential in ensuring that businesses and organizations can manage corruption risks while protecting their reputations and operational efficiency. […]
NewsRroomThis type of assessment provides a holistic view, encompassing all departments, processes, and operational aspects. The purpose of an EWRA is to understand the wide array of risks, from financial to operational, legal, and reputational, to effectively safeguard the organization against potential threats and enhance […]
NewsRroomZero Trust is a security model based on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” In the context of cloud security, this model addresses risks by removing implicit trust within and outside the network perimeter, treating all access requests as potentially unsafe until verified. This […]
NewsRroomIn today’s digital age, organizations are increasingly reliant on information systems to store, process, and manage data. With the growing volume of cyber threats, the need for a robust Information Security Policy (ISP) has become paramount. An ISP serves as a foundational framework that guides […]
NewsRroomIts primary role is to provide a structured, accessible format for recording all risks that could impact objectives. This transparency enables stakeholders to recognize threats early, prioritize them, and take informed actions to mitigate or eliminate them. The risk register generally includes details such as […]
NewsRroomLegal due diligence is a critical process in legal risk management, as it ensures that a business is informed of potential legal risks, obligations, and liabilities associated with any transaction or relationship. Legal due diligence involves a thorough examination of legal documents, contracts, compliance with […]
NewsRroomA data breach is one of the most serious threats that organizations face today. When a breach of data access control occurs, it means unauthorized users have gained access to sensitive data. The financial, reputational, and operational costs of such breaches are substantial, and the […]