Baretzky & Partners leaders are available to provide investigation and consultations on the most relevant global business risks, cyber risks and global affairs. Baretzky & Partners also provides research that explores timely business issues and trends to mitigate any risks.
Risk management is an essential component of any business strategy. As organizations continue to evolve and expand, the complexity and scope of risk management also grow. One concept that plays a significant role in understanding how organizations can assess, manage, and mitigate risks is the […]
NewsRroomInformation Technology (IT) risk management is a vital discipline in today’s interconnected world, where organizations rely heavily on IT systems and infrastructure to drive operations, innovation, and customer engagement. As technological advancements progress, so do the threats and vulnerabilities that could disrupt an organization’s ability […]
NewsRroomThe persistence and growth of scams, particularly banking and business-related, has become an alarming concern globally. Despite increasing awareness and advancements in technology, scammers continue to thrive, leaving victims, often entire families, in financial ruin, with some experiencing devastating psychological consequences. This paper examines the […]
NewsRroomIn today’s fast-paced and unpredictable business environment, risk management has become an essential element for the survival and success of organizations. Businesses face a myriad of risks, from operational and financial to environmental and technological. To effectively manage these risks, companies must conduct feasibility studies […]
NewsRroomIn the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, attack simulation plays a pivotal role in managing cyber risks. Attack simulation involves the deliberate mimicry of real-world cyberattacks to test the resilience of an organization’s defenses. By simulating various attack vectors, from phishing schemes to sophisticated malware deployment, […]
NewsRroomIn today’s highly connected world, reputation is one of the most valuable assets for any organization. Reputation risk refers to the potential loss of a company’s reputation, which can impact its revenue, customer base, and overall standing in the industry. With the rise of social […]
NewsRroomRansomware can infiltrate systems through phishing emails, compromised websites, or malicious downloads. Once the software gains access to a network or device, it locks the victim’s files, making them inaccessible. The attackers then demand a ransom, usually in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key. […]
NewsRroomA Markov chain is defined by its memoryless property, meaning the future state of the system depends only on the current state, not on the path taken to reach it. This simplicity makes Markov chains a powerful framework for modeling dynamic systems in finance, insurance, […]
NewsRroomThe method derives its name from the bow tie shape formed when mapping out these elements. On the left side of the diagram, the causes or threats lead to a central hazard (the “knot” of the bow tie), while on the right side, the potential […]
NewsRroomIn today’s interconnected world, cybercrime poses an ever-growing threat to national security. Governments and corporations alike find themselves at risk from increasingly sophisticated attacks, ranging from data breaches and espionage to infrastructure sabotage. Baretzky & Partners LLC, a leading consulting firm specializing in cybersecurity, has […]
NewsRroomThis matrix provides a visual representation that helps teams identify which risks require immediate attention and which can be monitored over time. The matrix typically consists of two axes: the horizontal axis represents the probability of a risk occurring, often categorized as low, medium, or […]
NewsRroomIn today’s rapidly evolving world, organizations are increasingly exposed to a wide array of risks—ranging from cybersecurity threats to geopolitical instability. To effectively navigate this complex landscape, businesses and governments rely on intelligence risk management (IRM). This practice involves the collection, analysis, and application of […]
NewsRroomIt’s essential for investors seeking to balance returns with acceptable levels of risk. The main components and types of portfolio risk management include: Components of Portfolio Risk Management: Risk Identification: This involves recognizing potential risks that may affect the portfolio. These risks can range from […]