Information Policy News

Cyber Law and Cybercrimes

3 mins 1 mth

Cloud transformation is the comprehensive process through which organizations migrate their operations, infrastructure, and services to cloud computing platforms.

This shift signifies more than just a change in IT infrastructure; it encapsulates a strategic evolution aimed at enhancing business agility, operational efficiency, and scalability. A central element of cloud transformation is the migration of applications and data to cloud environments like AWS, Microsoft Azure, […]

4 mins 1 mth

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a critical component in the overarching strategy of cyber risk management.

In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and frequent, the security of sensitive information and critical systems hinges significantly on how well privileged access is managed. Here’s why PAM is indispensable in mitigating cyber risks: Understanding Privileged Access Management Privileged access refers […]


Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is a critical component in enhancing information security within computer systems and networks.

3 mins 3 mths

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is a critical component in enhancing information security within computer systems and networks. Unlike Discretionary Access Control (DAC), where users have the ability to set access permissions, MAC enforces policies defined by the system administrator, making it significantly more robust and […]

3 mins 3 mths

Network and information security is a critical field that focuses on protecting data, systems, and networks from unauthorized access, misuse, or destruction. 

Network and information security is a critical field that focuses on protecting data, systems, and networks from unauthorized access, misuse, or destruction. This domain is essential for safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring privacy, and maintaining the integrity and availability of data. Network security involves a set of […]

3 mins 3 mths

IT and data governance are critical components in modern organizations, ensuring that IT resources and data are managed effectively, securely, and in alignment with business objectives. 

IT and data governance are critical components in modern organizations, ensuring that IT resources and data are managed effectively, securely, and in alignment with business objectives. IT governance focuses on the processes, structures, and policies that guide the management and use of information technology. It ensures […]

2 mins 3 mths

Navigating compliance in today’s dynamic regulatory landscape demands a multifaceted approach. 

Navigating compliance in today’s dynamic regulatory landscape demands a multifaceted approach. Organizations must contend with evolving laws, industry standards, and international regulations, making compliance a complex, continuous process. Central to contemporary compliance imperatives are three core elements: technological adaptation, proactive risk management, and fostering a culture […]

3 mins 3 mths

Cybersecurity data hygiene refers to practices and processes designed to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data within an organization.

Cybersecurity data hygiene refers to practices and processes designed to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data within an organization. Proper data hygiene is critical to defend against cyber threats and ensure the reliability of data. Data Classification and Inventory: Maintain a detailed inventory […]

2 mins 3 mths

Network assessment and protection are critical components of cybersecurity, ensuring that a network is both secure and efficient. 

Network assessment and protection are critical components of cybersecurity, ensuring that a network is both secure and efficient. Network assessment involves evaluating the current state of a network’s infrastructure, identifying vulnerabilities, and recommending improvements. This process typically includes a comprehensive review of hardware and software, configuration […]

3 mins 3 mths

Cybersecurity for Enhanced Protection

In today’s digital age, robust cybersecurity measures are essential for protecting sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of systems. As cyber threats evolve, implementing comprehensive security strategies becomes crucial for individuals and organizations alike. MFA adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords by requiring […]

3 mins 3 mths

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a cybersecurity solution designed to detect, investigate, and respond to suspicious activities and threats on endpoints, such as computers, servers, and mobile devices.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a cybersecurity solution designed to detect, investigate, and respond to suspicious activities and threats on endpoints, such as computers, servers, and mobile devices. EDR tools provide visibility into what is happening on endpoints, allowing security teams to identify and […]

3 mins 3 mths

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system or data, typically by encrypting files, until a ransom is paid.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system or data, typically by encrypting files, until a ransom is paid. This form of cyber extortion can cripple businesses and individuals alike, with attackers often demanding payment in cryptocurrency to […]

2 mins 3 mths

Data classification is a critical process for organizations, driven by the necessity to manage, protect, and optimize the use of data. 

Data classification is a critical process for organizations, driven by the necessity to manage, protect, and optimize the use of data. In today’s digital age, the sheer volume of data generated and processed daily is staggering. Proper classification ensures that data is organized according to its […]
