Baretzky & Partners leaders are available to provide investigation and consultations on the most relevant global business risks, cyber risks and global affairs. Baretzky & Partners also provides research that explores timely business issues and trends to mitigate any risks.
In today’s data-driven world, organizations are generating and storing vast amounts of information. However, not all data is valuable. A significant portion of it falls into the category of Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial (ROT) data. ROT data presents a hidden cost that many organizations overlook, […]
NewsRroomHere are key steps to effectively manage and mitigate compliance risk:Establish a Strong Compliance Program: Developing a comprehensive compliance program is essential. This includes creating policies and procedures that align with relevant laws and regulations. The program should be tailored to the specific needs and […]
NewsRroomIn an increasingly interconnected world, understanding geopolitics and geostrategy has become indispensable for effectively managing geopolitical risks. Geopolitics refers to the influence of geographic factors on international politics and relations, while geostrategy is the practical application of this understanding to achieve national or organizational goals. […]
NewsRroomSAUS NEWS: DC Renowned international cyber expert, President of CYBERPOL and ECIPS, Mr. Ricardo Baretzky, is one of the leading experts to attend and speak at the 19th Annual Caribbean American Legislative Forum, JUNE 21st-22nd in Washington DC. The two-day forum which will include sessions […]
NewsRroomCumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanlığı bünyesinde hayata geçirilen ‘15 Temmuz Uluslararası Anti-Darbe Hekatonu’nun tanıtım toplantısı İstanbul’da yapıldı. Teknolojinin kitlesel iletişimdeki rolüyle 15 Temmuz’a etkisi anlatıldı. Tanıtım toplantısına katılan Uluslararası Siber Polislik Teşkilatı (CyberPOL) Başkanı Ricardo Baretzky, İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan bu yana gelişmekte olan ülkelerin çoğunda darbelerin gerçekleştiğini […]
NewsRroomPR Newswire August 31, 2022·3 min read YAHOO FINANCE NEWS MANILA Philippines, Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Manila-based 123 Finance Corporation, a securities approved financing firm listed among the official Philippines financing companies, with a Certificate of Authority (CA) data and analytics department has been […]
NewsRroomRicardo BARETZKY President European Centre for Information Policy & Security ECIPS & CyberPOL Organisation Ricardo Baron Baretzky, the first Democratic President of European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), led the International Policy and Security Council (IIPSC), the New World Council of ECIPS to […]