Information Policy News

Cyber Law and Cybercrimes

2 mins 5 mths

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a significant threat in the realm of cyber risk management, as it exposes websites and their users to malicious attacks.

XSS vulnerabilities occur when an attacker injects harmful scripts into a trusted website, which are then executed by unsuspecting users’ browsers. This type of cyber attack compromises the security of both the website and its users, enabling attackers to steal sensitive information, hijack user sessions, […]

0 2 mins 9 mths

Deep-source intelligence (DEPSINT) investigations play a crucial role in defamation cases.

Deep-source intelligence (DEPSINT) investigations play a crucial role in defamation cases, yielding excellent results in uncovering anonymous perpetrators on social media platforms. The emergence of anonymous social media has facilitated the spread of defamatory content, often leaving victims without recourse. However, with advancements in DEPSINT […]

5 mins 2 yrs

15 Temmuz’un ruhu ile anti darbe aplikasyonu

CumhurbaÅŸkanlığı Ä°letiÅŸim BaÅŸkanlığı bünyesinde hayata geçirilen ‘15 Temmuz Uluslararası Anti-Darbe Hekatonu’nun tanıtım toplantısı Ä°stanbul’da yapıldı. Teknolojinin kitlesel iletiÅŸimdeki rolüyle 15 Temmuz’a etkisi anlatıldı. Tanıtım toplantısına katılan Uluslararası Siber Polislik TeÅŸkilatı (CyberPOL) BaÅŸkanı Ricardo Baretzky, Ä°kinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan bu yana geliÅŸmekte olan ülkelerin çoÄŸunda darbelerin gerçekleÅŸtiÄŸini […]
