Information Policy News

Cyber Law and Cybercrimes

3 mins 1 week

Surveillance privacy and security play a critical role in modern data risk management.

As organizations increasingly collect, store, and analyze data through surveillance systems, including CCTV, biometric scanners, and digital tracking tools, they face significant challenges in safeguarding this information while respecting individuals’ privacy rights. One of the primary concerns is the balance between security and privacy. Surveillance […]

2 mins 3 weeks

Risk prioritization and prevention are critical aspects of effective cyber risk management. 

As organizations become increasingly reliant on digital technologies, they face a growing number of cyber threats that can jeopardize their operations, data integrity, and reputation. To manage these risks, organizations must prioritize them based on potential impact and likelihood and implement preventive measures to mitigate […]

4 mins 3 weeks

Integrity and Anti-Corruption Compliance in Risk Management

Integrity and anti-corruption compliance are central pillars in effective risk management for organizations. In an increasingly globalized world, where businesses operate across diverse regulatory environments, maintaining high standards of integrity and ensuring robust anti-corruption measures have become not just legal obligations but strategic imperatives. The […]

2 mins 3 weeks

Zero Trust is a cybersecurity model that assumes no entity, whether inside or outside an organization’s network, should be automatically trusted.

Instead, every user and device must be verified before access is granted to resources. This approach marks a significant shift from traditional perimeter-based security, which focuses on defending the network’s boundary while assuming that anything within is secure. In the context of cyber risk management, […]

3 mins 3 weeks

Quality assurance (QA) in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) plays a crucial role in risk management by ensuring that AML processes and controls are effective, compliant, and consistently applied.

AML frameworks are designed to detect and prevent illicit financial activities, such as money laundering and terrorist financing. Quality assurance in this context is essential to ensure that the risk management strategies implemented are robust and capable of addressing the dynamic and complex nature of […]

3 mins 3 weeks

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a prevalent and dangerous web application vulnerability that poses significant risks within the domain of cyber risk management. 

XSS occurs when an attacker injects malicious scripts into a web page that is viewed by other users. These scripts are typically executed in the victim’s browser, potentially leading to unauthorized actions, data theft, and further compromises. In cyber risk management, XSS is particularly concerning […]

2 mins 4 weeks

White-collar crimes, characterized by non-violent financial wrongdoing typically committed by individuals in positions of power, pose significant risks in risk management. 

These crimes can be broadly classified into several types:Fraud: This involves deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Common forms include securities fraud, where false information is provided to investors, and insurance fraud, which involves falsifying claims for financial benefit. Embezzlement: This is the misappropriation […]
